
2024年14天法定假日 :
  1. 元旦 (1月1日)
  2. 農曆年初一 (2月10日)
  3. 農曆年初三( 2月12日)
  4. 農曆年初四 (2月13日)
  5. 清明節 (4月4日)
  6. 勞動節 (5月1日)
  7. 佛誕 (5月15日)
  8. 端午節 (6月10日)
  9. 香港特別行政區成立紀念日( 7月1日)
  10. 中秋節翌日( 9月18日)
  11. 國慶日 (10月1日)
  12. 重陽節 (10月11日)
  13. 冬節 (12月21日)或 聖誕節 (12月25日) (由僱主選擇)
  14. 聖誕節後第一個周日* (12月26日)


The 14 statutory holidays for 2024 are:
  • The first day of January (01 January)
  • Lunar New Year's Day (10 February)
  • The third day of Lunar New Year (12 February)
  • The fourth? day of Lunar New Year (13 February)
  • Ching Ming Festival (4 April)
  • Labour Day (1 May)
  • The Birthday of the Buddha (15 May)
  • Tuen Ng Festival (10 June)
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day (01 July)
  • The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (18 September)
  • National Day (1 October)
  • The Chung Yeung Festival (11 October)
  • The Chinese Winter Solstice Festival (21 December) or Christmas Day (25 December) (at the option of the employer)
  • The first weekday after Christmas Day* (26 December)

  • *According to the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2021, the newly added statutory holiday from 2024 onwards is the first weekday after Christmas Day.

    All employees are entitled to the above statutory holidays. If the statutory holiday falls on a rest day, a holiday should be granted on the day following the rest day which is not a statutory holiday or an alternative holiday or a substituted holiday or a rest day. An employee having been employed under a continuous contract for not less than 3 months is entitled to the holiday pay which is equivalent to the average daily wages earned by the employee in the 12-month period preceding the holiday.